
and the third

For spring/summer of 2007 I moved back to the Villa and in with three Nevadans. Let me tell you - you cannot take the Nevada out of the girl. We partied non-stop! I'm pretty sure I got 4 hours of sleep total during those 4 months....Apt. 35 certainly didn't help.
Gabe came back and I moved down the hall (but Ashley and I still spent most of our time in 64). I was in denial about school starting again, until October when I had to catch up. Oops.
Winter semester I moved BACK in to 64, started dating Slice, got engaged, etc. etc. I left Provo in June, "walked" in August and finished up my last class here. Kind of anticlimactic, don't you think?

At least I've lost all those college pounds.


  1. I'm glad we made your post. It brought back a flashback of when we wanted to move all the beds into one room and everything else into the other. I'm pretty sure that had that happened, we never would have slept again. If only that summer had just been longer :)

    Umm can Shawna and I come spend a weekend with you sometime?



  2. H yes you can! That would be so fun! I'm so excited that you are going on a mission, it's like a whole new stage now that my brothers and former roommates are heading out. Awesome.

  3. I love that I took the first two pictures and then the memory of the last one... that was the worst dance I've ever been to. Whose idea was it to play African Tribal music? How do you even dance to that? Bah.

    Good times in 64.

  4. hello... that was a fun summer i must admit. man i look fat in the purple dress. oh gosh.

    we should have put our beds all in one room... but your room always flooded and stunk

    i miss kersey and apartment 35
    and i miss the summer of 64


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