
Observations of a Uintah Basin - winter ed.

{Taken from a four-wheeler}
{Taken from my car}
{Taken from my house}


  1. Wow, me encanta las fotos ^^. Aunque como escribes es ingles supongo que no entiendes lo que digo XD, ok, i think i will can write in english XD, the photos are beautiful. Wow, it´s horrible i can´t write in english and i prefer don´t use the translator... ^^ siento ser tan patosa con el inglés XD. Sólo quería decir eso. que las fotos me gustan ^^ Ciao

  2. I love those pictures, because I recognize most of the locations! As much as I grouch about the Basin, it really has its lovely moments.

  3. Nice shooting. I've got a load of good memories in all of those places.


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