
What is this strange taste in my mouth?

I have, ever so reluctantly, joined the texting world.
In my first semester of college I wrote a paper about the evils of technology—specifically the social/historical consequences of cellular phones, and how I never wanted to own one—and after two years of Händy ownership, I am eating my words once again. Yum.
For the record, my dad got a Blackberry for Christmas (that his kids gave him) and upgraded our family plan. This means I no longer have to pay for every text that comes or goes, and therefore should not hold hard feelings against all Senders of Texts.
Should not, I said.
Still, don’t expect a reply within 48 hours.

Over the weekend I participated in an Honor Band conceived by Matt’s friend Ed, which consisted of 8 hours’ rehearsal between Friday night and Saturday afternoon and culminated in a concert Saturday night. Ed spent months picking music, gathering players—I have no idea how he did it—and we ended up with a fantastic group. Probably the best group I’ve ever played with, in fact. I may or may not have cried the first time we played through We Shall Lift the Lamps of Courage.
(Talk about memories! I played that song in high school, thank goodness. I never would have learned it in 24 hours.)
By Saturday night my cheeks were so sore I couldn’t feel them anymore, and my left arm was about to fall off. Turns out, muscles ARE required to play the flute. Who knew?

So my brother called me during rehearsal to ask, “What are you singing for tryouts?”
I sang a duet with him to audition for the local Arts Council’s Bye Bye Birdie. It was completely on a whim, so I didn’t worry about my audition at all.
Until the director called me to tell me what part I got: one of the mothers. The mothers? I’m 21!! She told me they weren’t sure which mother yet, so they didn’t know how many lines (if any) I’d have, and I was like, “How about I just sit in the background with wrinkles painted on my face?”

We watched this video 3 times in a row Saturday night, and laughed every time. It is SO FUNNY.

Doesn't this sound like a blast? I totally want to do it.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel do you just love the "New Moon?" I couldn't put it down. I am going to have to wait a couple of weeks before I start the next one just so I can get some things done and give Cade some attention. I can tell when I get too much into my book and he feels it. So funny! I am glad to hear you are reading them too! Hope things are good for you out in Roosytown!


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