
Things that make me laugh about BG

  1. He can't stand the 'extra comma' most people put into the Pledge of Allegiance. So every morning instead of saying "One Nation, under God, indivisible," he makes a point of saying "OneNationunderGod, indivisible," loudly if anyone else is around.
  2. When students ask, "Can I....{do something}," he always answers, "You May." Sorry, but you're not going to reverse the disintegration of the English language. Kids will continue to ask if they can do something when they should ask if they may.
  3. I believe this could be considered OCD: BG spent TWO WHOLE DAYs (and $30 for some font-identifying software) looking for the exact font of the existing vinyl letters in the library, and trying to get old documents from one computer to another. He really doesn't want mismatching signs.
  4. He hates tomatoes. OK, I know this isn't that strange, except that he brings tomatoes to school regularly. Trying to give them away.
  5. When someone says "thank you," he always says "Welcome." No You're in there; just Welcome. Why is may I such a big deal again?
  6. (My favorite:) Anytime we start talking about something, BG walks off and comes back with a book on that subject. King Arthur, Alaska, the name "Morgan" (a book about Morgan horses), you name it. Just because I'm talking about something doesn't mean I want to read a book about it. Right this second.


  1. Er . . . who's BG? I assume it's your librarian. I can think of only one teacher-person in all of Roosevelt with the initials BG, and I don't think he's the one. Can you give me a hint or something?

  2. Okay, so it IS who I was thinking. Funny! I loved the list of laugh things. I'd laugh too.


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