
Woolly Bully

We’ve got a bully problem here that is really bizarre. These two boys come into the library every day before school, practically as soon as I open the doors, and ferret out another boy that is always in here as well. It’s hard for me to catch what they are pestering him about, but we’ve got it all on videotape. (What did the world ever do before security cameras?) If the usual victim is not in the library, these boys either leave to look for him or find another subject within reach.

What kind of loser has nothing else to do but pick on someone else?

The most bizarre thing about it, though, is this victim-boy’s reaction. He’s got a mouth to match theirs, albeit a more pathetic one, and it’s sometimes hard to tell between typical high school teenage-boy banter and bona fide bullying. If his mother hadn’t complained I might not have known what was really going on. Sheesh.

On a related note, my husband was really mean last night. This cold I’ve had seems to be getting worse, not better, and yesterday was the straw that broke……whatever. My throat and lungs and nose and ears were waging a mighty battle against my head, and I guess Slice had had enough. He made me take a really really hot bath, wrapped me up and tucked me in bed and left me there ‘til morning. I even feel a little better today. Who does he think he is, anyway?

1 comment:

  1. Bullying makes me crazy. The only thing that would be worse for me than having a bullied kid is having a kid who's a bully.

    Aw, Slice.


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