
LMC notes

  • We’ve been weeding our collection. This is even worse than cataloging, because it’s emotionally taxing. Who am I to say what should stay or go? I love books too much to discard them. (Which is why I keep coming home with bags-full of old books to add to my bookshelf or those of family members.) At least the district found a guy who recycles books, so the conscience-pricks are easier to deal with.
  • I park my car in the same spot every day - in the middle of a row, by the door that I come in. A couple days this week the parking lot has been completely covered with snow so I guessed on the yellow lines. Lo and behold, both times I found later that I was parked between the lines. Boo-Yah! Three cheers for spatial orientation!
  • Some students STILL have not figured out where the book drop is. After being here for three years! “Um, put them in the book drop please. Right there. That slot RIGHT THERE.” Wow.
  • There’s a feature in our catalog system that shows the top ten titles being checked out. (What does ‘top ten’ mean? I assume the titles that are checked out the greatest number of times.) I’ve been checking this list semi-obsessively since I started here 3 ½ months ago; just can’t get enough of statistics. The first month or two that I was here, Stephenie Meyer’s books were naturally the top four, switching order occasionally. A Child called "It" is consistently in this list. But Brisingr (the third Eragon book) came in and toppled the dynasty, and now the Manga is emerging. (I'm not alone!) I keep telling myself that I ought to read the books in the top 10, just so I can be “in the know” about high school pop culture....you know, since that’s so important. But I’ve been too busy with my last class and Shannon Hale’s books to even read Twilight yet…maybe this Christmas break I’ll bite the bullet.
  • Maybe.
  • We sell earbuds here in the LMC, marked up to $1.50. And they sell like crazy! The ironic thing is that kids always lose them, forget them at home, or break them. HEAVEN FORBID they go for a whole 7 hours without listening their iPod! So the same twenty students are providing the media center with funds to keep it running. Thanks, guys.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I ever checked a book out of the high school library for leisure reading. I continued to use the city library for my "fun" books . . . no idea why.

    You crack me up.


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