
September 15

I told you months ago that I would give "more information," but I've been hesitant to share much here, mainly because I get annoyed when people push politics on their blog.
But in case you are interested, I'll tell you how I got to this point.

Historians will tell you there are two types of records particularly valuable when it comes to studying a civilization. The record of "outsiders," whose experiences with a culture, though cursory, are vivid and descriptive; those of "insiders," who are immersed in their own culture, are framed by a collective understanding.

I have always felt like more of an "outsider" to Roosevelt. As much as I love this city - and the people who make it so great - there are some major problems in the government, management and direction here. Some people don't run things the way they should.

The longer I live here, the more I see it, and the more I want to do something about it.

At present, our community is facing several major long-term decisions, and my hope is that our citizens will get involved enough to make some major changes.

I hope they care enough.


  1. I would totally vote for you if I were there. And how.

  2. Yeah for you for not just hoping for the best, but actually trying to make it happen!


Talk to me.