
The List

A while ago I gave a Beehive lesson on marriage standards, the classic one where the girls write down "what I want in a future husband." Giving the lesson was even more fun for me, because I found TWO of my old lists and shared them with the girls.
And I laughed at what I used to think was so important.

For example, all growing up I was sure I would marry someone who didn't like video games. They wouldn't have to hate them as much as I do, but at least a healthy dislike would do. With the TV, as well.

I was pretty sure I would marry a musician - ballroom dancer would be nice - but any other athleticism was basically unnecessary. I don't care much for college or professional sports, and I especially didn't want to be watching sports on Sunday.
Not too bad.

I also planned on putting my future husband through school. He would be an intellectual type, always reading, always fueling my desires to pursue academic success.

I didn't plan on marrying a great chef, a sports pro, a man who would rather be playing with the kids than conversing at the adult dinner table. Or someone who would be right all the time (I'm the one saying "you were right" 9 times out of 10). OR someone who would rarely let me drive the dang car.

But it works out, you know?

Slice fit every criteria I had on my list. Good thing I always knew what was really important.


  1. I have an old list of mine too! My mom actually found it and framed it and displayed it at our wedding reception.
    I know I had on it "not a neat freak".
    Sigh. The things you think are important back when your mom is nagging you to clean up your room.

  2. I HATE those lists. When our YW had that lesson a few months ago, I cringed the whole time. Here they are ticking off all these things like "Eagle Scout", "returned missionary" ... and then the inevitable stupid ones like "athletic", "dark-haired", whatever, and I'm thinking about the amazing men they may meet in the future and totally ignore, because they don't measure up to THE LIST. I'm so glad I lost my lists long ago.

    I will teach my girls to make lists of who THEY want to be - not who they want their husbands to be.

  3. I really am curious to know where my old lists are. I remember making this old paint bucket with a picture of the SLC Temple on it. It had things in it other than the list but to heck if I know what they are. Anyways, this post was quite amusing. Also, I agree with the person who said that they want to make a list of what THEY want to be and not what they want in their husband.

    Also, I can honestly say that I'm happy I haven't settled yet.

    As in the lines of Kelly, "Ima gonna get what I want!"

    I am super glad you found your prince charming. :)

  4. As far as I can remember, I got everything on my old lists, right down to the "skinny but buff" body type, and good teeth. Even better, I have the visual version too- I doodled a pic of a couple during seminary once, and I found it when Bret and I were engaged- it looked EXACTLY like us. Kind of creepy, but fun.


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