

This week my two older brothers are graduating from St. Louis University (for the Wikiness see here) - one as an M.D., and the other with a joint MBA/MHA.  (Remember how Brent went to China for school last winter?)
gratuitous wedding reception pic + dad sighting!
My parents are there for the week with my three youngest siblings, while the rest of us pine for/envy them.

Anyway, I just think my brothers are awesome, and also my sisters-in-law because we all know it takes a good woman to put a husband through that much school.  (Especially with two or three kids.)
Congratulations to all of you!  May the paychecks start rolling in!


  1. Congratulations! Have a joyous celebration!

  2. Yay Edds! Yay school! Yay doing it all with babies especially!


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