
the 5k

Let's talk about running.

Let's talk about how some people love running, and other people hate it.  Some are naturally gifted to run, some aren't.  Some people are out of their minds .... the rest of us aren't.

Let's talk about how in 10th grade I tried to run a mile in 15 minutes - twice - and failed.  And since it was a requirement to pass the class, in order to save my grade I had to "walk" three miles in 45 minutes instead, while the rest of the class (including my running-gifted best friend, who passed the first try) played softball.

Let's talk about all the years in high school and college when I tried to jog, but never really got into a groove.   I haven't gone jogging more than a few times in the past three years, despite the gifts of workout clothes, shoes, iPod shuffle, etc. from my husband who tries very hard to encourage me to exercise.

Let's talk about how you can TALK ME INTO ANYTHING, even if it's a 5k race and I've never even run 5 consecutive kilometers in my life, and I haven't trained because the one time I tried two weeks ago I got shin splints right before Aspen Grove.

Let's talk about how I woke up 6:00 yesterday morning and did a 5k with all my sisters and my Aunt Lana.
I had to stop and walk a few times, but Heather jogged the whole way and we finished it together.
(And we weren't last.)

Angie and Lana look identical in this picture??

Let's talk about how I kinda want to do it again, although it hurts to even move my legs right now.


Talk to me.