
Still talking about my thyroid ... and maybe answering some of your questions.

(If you prefer, you can skip on over here and watch more puppy+baby videos.  They're cute.)

A few months ago when I went to the doctor after blood tests, he said, "I'll be honest with you. I really didn't think you had a thyroid problem."
He went on to explain that his typical hypothyroid patients are a little overweight (thyroid controls metabolism) with flaky skin and other symptoms which I did not seem to have.  Yet, I tested hypothyroid.
So he put me on some Synthroid and I've been taking the same dose ever since.

The dizziness stopped - until I got pregnant.  The hair stopped falling out - maybe because I got pregnant.  My energy returned! - until ... well, you get the picture.

So far, my experience with pregnancy is this:  fatigue, a little night sickness, and do not even think about getting hungry.  When I start feeling hungry I MUST. EAT. NOW. or I will get sick.  And then I don't want to eat, but I have to.  Then, when I do eat, I feel even sicker.  It's vicious, I tell you.

Add the Synthroid which has also increased my metabolism, and watch my grocery bill skyrocket.  I feel like I eat all day, every day, and you know what?  I weigh less than I did even in high school.  I am 5'8" and weighing in quite below 135 lbs.
(But I honestly don't know where it's coming from.  This little pooch is growing every day.)

Anyway, I'm not complaining because again, I'm not throwing up anything that I'm eating.  I just eat and sleep and play with Liam and lose weight.  And not exercise.  Wouldn't want to make things worse, you know?


  1. wow I feel like I wrote this post! I started out hypothyroid after high school had a baby and went hyperthyroid!!! I have had some very strange side effects from this disease! In April I finally diagnosed with Graves disease and given the radioactive Iodine and am just patiently waiting for it to take its course!

  2. So how far along are you? Sorry I didn't get a chance to talk at church on Sunday! We talked to Natisha (spelling?) and then I had to run get ready for Primary! And I want to hear more of the pregnancy story!

  3. YOU'RE PREGNANT!!! I KNEW IT!! You haven't come straight out with it (unless I am a complete idiot) but I had the feeling!! I'M PREGNANT TOO!!! JUST FOUND OUT!!!! BAAA HAA HA! Exciting. When are you due!?

    And I'm totally in the hypothyroid boat with you. I'm supposedly 7 weeks along and weighing in at 118 (the weight I was as a sophomore in high school). I started my last pregnancy at 135, so I'm curious to see where it goes from here.

    Keep us updated! Please!

  4. I too had hypothyroidism for ten years. I felt tired and weak all the time. So, I changed my health regimen and started exercise. I felt rejuvenate when porcine thyroid came.

  5. I too had hypothyroidism for ten years. I felt tired and weak all the time. So, I changed my health regimen and started exercise. I felt rejuvenate when porcine thyroid came.


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