A story for you:
There's a stretch of road between Duchesne and Heber that offers great views of oil rigs, sagebrush and run-down mobile homes. Fortunately (or unfortunately), also animals. If you traverse that road more than once in your life, chances are good that you will see some elk or antelope or jackrabbits.
Several times now, Slice and I have seen an eagle.
I'm pretty sure it's the same eagle, and I'm pretty sure this eagle has built a nest close to the road, because we see it in the same place every time we go. Every time, Slice freaks out and asks me if we can stop to watch it, take pictures of it, feed it, whatever.
(Joking about the feeding. But we have seen it feasting on old carcasses.)
Then last Friday, right by Steinaker, we saw a pheasant running by the side of the road. True to tradition, Slice freaked out and stopped the car - in the middle of the road - to go chase after it with the camera.
I don't really care why, I just think it's funny. And now I'm going to go look for other pictures he's taken of birds, so I can add them to this post.
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