
more July

One thing I forgot to mention in my "July crazy" post is that Slice is now getting fire calls day and night and so far, he drops WHATEVER he is doing to get to them.  Leave the wife and kids at the park (at a company party) with no vehicle and a piano lesson in half an hour?  No prob.  Nothing is as important as that fire alarm!
His goal is to get there first and leave last.  Well, okay, he doesn't try to leave last.  But he's found a new brotherhood, a new obsession.... and I have to get a little fun out of it.  Especially with my abandonment issues.

In other news, I signed up for the UBIC 5k again, this time without my sisters.  I've been trying to get running again, and dang it is hard.  Partly because I never get going until it's at least 80 degrees outside.  Bad move on my part.  I've only worked up to 2 miles so far.

Kids are still cute, even when they're a pain, which is most of the time.  I'm going to rename MG "Sassy" because - well, if you spend any amount of time with her you'll know why.  THAT GIRL.

Liam is mostly potty trained, which means after 19 months of two children in diapers I only have one.  Hallelujah!  Let's hope she wants to be done with them soon!

Now I'm off to watch my new favorite show Call the Midwife. And throw dirty diapers at the people lighting off fireworks right in front of my house.
(You all read about that, right???)

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