
Side Business

I've been thinking about this for a day and a half now, and I'm still not sure what to say.

First - does this look like a hearse to you? This car right here?

Because apparently, it does to some people. This was news to me.

So I said, "Maybe for babies....like, we specialize in baby funerals! Only three-foot caskets or smaller."

And someone else added, "or midgets. Or dismembered people."

We laughed.
Then Slice gave me a strange look and said, "I can't believe you just said that."

Why not?


  1. Uh, no. definitely does not look like a funeral car.

  2. Hmmm. No. Doesn't look like a hearse. I kind of like it, in fact. Are you getting one?

    (If we can't make jokes about dead babies, what can we make jokes about?)

  3. Oh, and Fig, that's the car we drive. We like it a lot.

    Even if we could have gotten it for half price 3 months later. (grrr)

  4. Wow, really? I'm jealous. It's cool-looking.

    We're thinking about buying a car right now - just because they're cheap. Dizzle is gung-ho; I'm not entirely convinced. You buy sweaters when they're on sale. A car is a large purchase.

    But really, they are pretty stinking cheap ...

  5. Hahaha You make me laugh! I hope you enjoyed that night besides the reamrks about your vehicular device.


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