You have a baby now, it's overwhelming and life-changing, and I've heard it gets easier - but I haven't been there. So I wouldn't know.
You might let your baby cry herself to sleep from the day she's born. You might never let your baby cry herself to sleep. Either way, you wouldn't be alone. I've tried to be somewhere between the extremes ... but who knows? maybe that's worse!
Everyone will give you advice and none of it will be the same. Generally speaking, though, here is some of the best advice I have been given.
First, words of wisdom from my mother: "Your job is to raise your children so that they don't need you."
If you ever find yourself a slave to your child, something is wrong. Obviously newborns need their mothers. But as they get older, you should be teaching them to be independent, even if it's in small ways. I nursed Liam exclusively except for the bottle I gave him once or twice a week, just so that he would take a bottle. You need some leeway - for a temple trip, a night out, or just a few hours alone with your husband. Take steps to make that possible.
(Binkies are another touchy subject. Personally, I think they can be a lifesaver for the first few months when you are SORE and your baby just wants to chew on something.)
(Also, put your kid on the floor sometimes. She won't like it but it's good for her.)
Second, a paraphrased gem from a "sleep expert": Don't project your own emotions onto your baby.
Babies cry when they are hungry, tired, uncomfortable, etc. If you can figure out what they are telling you, the communication becomes more effective, and your baby will cry less.
When we project our own emotions on them (she thinks I've abandoned her! she's scared! lonely! resentful!), we are the ones who suffer most.
Third, an acronym about baby schedules from my sister-in-law: EASY
Eat - Activity (play) - Sleep - You time
This way you feed your baby when she wakes up, and put her down when she gets tired. It should eliminate sleep crutches like being nursed to sleep. I haven't done the best job of implementing it though....
I think this sums it up nicely. You are this child's mother. You are entitled to receive inspiration on her behalf, whatever it may be.
Don't forget that.