
Emma turns 8

My dear Emma,

Your birthday is always a tender time for me. I remember the circumstances of your birth so clearly - our young family working through tough times, my determination to make your birth a better experience than Will's, the wonderful fulfillment of that wish, the overwhelming feelings I felt afterward. I was in awe of my own capabilities and the miracle of life; in awe of you, my first, perfect, baby girl. I carried these feelings throughout the Christmas season, reflecting on Mary in particular and her sacred mission to bear and rear the Son of God.

Eight years later, I feel these feelings more than ever. My perfect baby girl turned into a T1D warrior.
Last December we realized what was happening in your body, learned what it meant for your future. You submitted to poke after poke after poke. You checked your own blood sugar 5 times a day. You learned to use your carb ratio and correction charts. You got up in the night with low blood sugar and took care of it by yourself. You got a Dexcom and begged for a pump. You started talking about the resurrection as the day when you'll be cured.

We've walked this road together, sharing some incredibly difficult days and nights. This trial has made you even more sensitive to others than you were before. You are considerate, caring, bright, responsible, and creative. Your thoughtfulness, gratitude and fortitude have been a huge strength to me over this last year. We're learning and growing and getting better together.
I am again, always, in awe of you and grateful for you in my life.


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