
The Life

If I wasn't so obsessive about my writing, I could be churning out blog posts daily - courtesy of blogging apps and my abundance of time spent sitting (nursing).  Heaven knows I'm reading and thinking and feeling and reacting to stuff that's going on, and that I should be writing. But no. My writing style requires too much rewording and rewriting to post anything of substance through a talk-to-text app.  It's old fashioned document drafting for me.

My abundance of sitting (nursing) time is only made possible by Slice's abundance of home time. Friends, I could NOT be doing this 4 kids under 6 thing without him here. I'd be beyond crazy by now. I'm pretty sure this second round of unemployment is a tender mercy of the Lord, wherein He does me a favor after sending me all the babies when I least expected them.

In other words: things are good here. We've been to the zoo and the library and the stores and the movies. Slice has had time for golfing, cooking, coding; I've had time for nursing, napping, even running errands BY MYSELF.  We all need to get on the extended maternity/paternity leave train. It is the best!!
(Or, I highly recommend saving enough $$ that you can quit or not work for a while. Pretty much the same.)

Oil prices are slowly recovering, which is good news for our house. Our new community pool is opening tomorrow! And, my baby George might be the sweetest in all the history of Georges. He is patient with my mysteriously skim milk supply. He consistently sleeps 7 hours at night and gives us radiant smiles all day. He loves his siblings and Adele. We love him so much.


  1. I so admire you seeing the positives in life! Thanks for the great example!

  2. Oh look, she's blogging again! Lexi's face just makes me happy. :) And George's smiles of course, he is so cute!


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